AIR Summit 28th March

Published by Phil Dockerill on

This is just a quick note to make sure advisers and principals of advice firms have registered for the AIR Academy summit on being held online between 2 to 3pm GMT) on Thursday 28th March, 2024

This year’s event has been crafted to support you with navigating changing market dynamics. During the event we’ll be unravelling the complexities of the later life lending market.
The Summit will start with Q&A session led by our CEO, Paul Glynn, featuring a panel of compliance experts, who will delve into detail around their views of this dynamic market and how networks, lenders, firms and advisers are having to adapt their methods to tailor their advice to suit the changing needs of the over 50s borrower in order to achieve better customer outcomes.

The second session will be a panel discussion featuring representatives from key lending partners. The panel will provide their initial responses to the conversations from earlier in the event and delve deeper into the industry’s collective response. They will also discuss the safer tracks available to advisers and firms, covering: education, affordability, the advice process and product innovation.

We feel very privileged that Phil Dockerill from Equity Release Compliance Ltd has been asked to contribute.
Register here.

Categories: AIR Academy


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