About Us

Why choose Equity Release compliance Ltd?

We are actively engaged in the real world of later life advice. Grev is an experienced adviser who continues to deal with later life clients and Phil, having been involved with financial services compliance for 25 years, and who also has recent advisory experience, is heavily involved with our business on a day-to-day basis.

Greville Phillips ACIB DipPFS Certs CII (MP & ER)

Grev has been advising at the coalface of financial planning and commercial banking for more than 40 years. To that end, there’s not much he hasn’t seen in that time. Separate from Equity Release Compliance Ltd, Grev continues to advise, focussing exclusively upon equity release and commercial finance. Consequently, he very much, practices what he preaches.

Phil Dockerill

Phil started in financial services 36 years ago and has spent much of that time in compliance. Until recently he was also co-owner of a successful brokerage and specialised in equity release. The services provided by Equity Release Compliance Ltd have been his bread and butter for the last 6 years and his main strength is finding practical ways to ensure fair treatment of customers.

Dare we say it, but we are both virtually of an age where we understand the needs of later life clients from personal experience 😉.

We are always up for a chat on the subject and would really like to hear from you.