
Equity Release Adviser Training
Newly Qualified
New advisers sometimes find it hard to relate their responsibility in later life lending to their experience as either a mortgage adviser or IFA. Those transitioning from another role, such as will writing, find it even more difficult. We can offer a comprehensive training programme for new advisers which gives them an excellent grounding in how to get to grips with their role. The syllabus which covers all aspects of lifetime mortgages and other later life options, is detailed below.
Experienced Advisers
Standards expected by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Equity Release Council are under constant review and Financial Ombudsman Service adjudications add to the weight of knowledge that advisers have to retain. Our syllabus can be adapted to provide bespoke refresher training for experienced advisers in lifetime mortgages and other later life solutions, to help them keep a handle on developing standards.
Syllabus for Equity Release Adviser Training
Training for individual equity release advisers or firms can be given remotely via an application such as Microsoft Teams or face to face for firms at a mutually agreed venue. The whole syllabus can be covered in two days and is delivered by compliance experts, existing practitioners, legal representatives and lender business development managers. Bespoke training can be drawn from the overall syllabus and delivered in a shorter period depending on the needs of the adviser or their firm.
The subject matter includes:
- The role of the adviser
- Standards expected by the FCA and Equity Release Council
- Fact finding & sourcing options, and standard documentation
- Running an effective and compliant sales process
- Solutions – Reversion, lifetime mortgages and hybrid options
- Providing holistic advice
- Dealing with Attorneys and deputies and the Court of Protection
A slightly more detailed syllabus can be downloaded here.
Contact us for help with training for equity release advisers